
Masters programs and new research challenges in the Orinoquia

With the approval of the National Education Ministry of three new master’s programs (sustainable environmental management, sustainable tropical agricultural production and Sustainable Systems of Tropical Animal Health and Production) in addition to the existing expertise in aquaculture, La Universidad de Los Llanos is on its way to face the great changes coming in the region.

No wonder, the importance that represents the Orinoquia from the geopolitical view to the country’s development in terms of energy 3 of the 7 departments that make up are the largest oil producers at the national level, in addition to the gas fields and other mineral resources that are being exploited.

It is also recognized the great wealth of water resources and biodiversity which are among the largest in the world. In terms of agriculture, crop diversity, ensures food security for Colombians, which is exacerbated by supply livestock where more than 70% of cattle slaughtered in the Andean region comes from the Orinoco.

While these resources will augur a promising future for the region, poor exploitation or overexploitation could lead to major disasters, including those generated by oil exploitation which results in contamination of water sources threatening the water and fish wealth. The same could be said of the farm and livestock to the fragile ecosystem could lead to further degradation and retention of the grassland.

If the promised energy boom becomes a reality, the massive human migration could contribute to enhancing the social, political and cultural problems.

This is why the new master’s programs have a major challenge in the form of how to orient the research process and of course, a high social responsibility in the training of future researchers, which should turn on the basis of the respect for el environment and socio humanistic and ethical components.

Agustín Góngora Orjuela

MV. MSc. Dr. Sci, Editor Revista Colombiana de Orinoquia.