Genetic characterization of the complete genome of a
strain of Chikungunya virus circulating in Brazil

Caracterización genética del genoma completo de una cepa del virus

Chikungunya circulante en Brasil

Caracterização genética do genoma completo de uma cepa do vírus

Chikungunya que circula no Brasil


The Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a single-stranded posi
tive-sense RNA virus that belongs to the Alphavirus genus

of the Togaviridae family. It is primarily transmitted by Ae
des aegypti and albopictus mosquitoes. Its genome encodes

four non-structural proteins (NSP 1-4) and three structural

proteins (C, E1, and E2). Four lineages of this virus have been

identified, namely the West African, East African, Central and

South African (ECSA), Asian (AL), and Indian Ocean Lineages

(IOL). CHIKV is an endemic arbovirus circulating in 51 coun
tries in the Americas. Clinical manifestations attributed to it

include high fever, rash, myalgia, and episodes of arthralgia,

which subsequently lead to chronic pain and disability, es
pecially in the joints. Sequencing the complete genome of

the Chikungunya virus is essential to understand its biology,

evolution, and spread and to develop effective strategies

for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. This information is

crucial for combating the disease and minimizing its impact

on public health. For these reasons, the complete genome

of the Chikungunya virus strain br33, identified in the north
eastern city of Recife, in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, was

sequenced. The genome has a size of 11,601 nucleotides and

Rafael Guillermo Villarreal-Julio
Jonny Andrés Yepes-Blandón
La Revista Orinoquia es una revista de acceso abierto revisada por pares. Este es un artículo de acceso abierto

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permite el uso, distribución y reproducción sin restricciones en cualquier medio, siempre que se acredite el autor

y la fuente originales.


Como Citar (Norma Vancouver):
Villarreal-Julio RG, Yepes-Blandón JA. Genetic characterization
of the complete genome of a strain of Chikungunya virus circulating in Brazil. Orinoquia,

Artículo de investigación

Recibido: 26 de septiembre de 2023

Aceptado: 18 de noviembre de 2023

CES University, Graduate School, Doctorate
in Health Sciences, Medellín, Colombia

-BIOTECH MOLECULAR, Molecular, Genetic

and Computational Biology Unit; Medellín,

Colombia. - University of Antioquia, School of

Medicine, Program for the Study and Control

of Tropical Diseases (PECET); Medellín,

Colombia - International Internships in the

Gehrke Laboratory at the Massachusetts

Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge,

MA, USA and Harvard Medical School (HMS),

Boston, Massachusetts. USA. Email:
[email protected]
ORCID: https://orcid.

Animal Scientist, Project Management
Specialist, Master's in Biology and

Ph.D. in Biology. Grupo de Investigación en

Organismos Acuáticos Nativos y Exóticos

- GIOANE, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias,

Escuela de Producción Agropecuaria,

Universidad de Antioquia. Email:
[email protected]
ORCID: https://orcid.
2Caracterización genética d el genoma c o m p leto d e una c epa d el v irus C h ikungunya c irculante en B rasil Vol 27 No. 2 - e-789 julio diciembre 2023.
DOI: 10.22579/20112629.789
contains coding regions for two polyproteins. A phylogenetic analysis indicates

that the recent Brazilian strain of CHIKV belongs to the East, Central, and South

African lineage (ECSA). This phylogenetic identification is important because this

particular genotype has been associated with greater damage and clinical severity.

Until 2016, the CHIKV virus was directly associated with travel, and its transmission

was limited. Subsequently, the largest outbreak occurred in the state associated

with the introduction of a new ECSA lineage, as identified in this study. It is highly

likely that new CHIKV outbreaks will occur in the near future due to the abundance

of competent vectors in Brazil and a susceptible population, exposing more than 11

million inhabitants to an increasing risk of infection.

Emerging alphaviruses, Chikungunya fever, Genome, Sequencing

El virus Chikungunya (CHIKV) es un virus de ARN monocatenario de sentido positivo

que pertenece al género Alphavirus de la familia Togaviridae. Se transmite princi
palmente por mosquitos
Aedes aegypti y albopictus. Su genoma codifica cuatro
proteínas no estructurales (NSP 1-4) y tres proteínas estructurales (C, E1 y E2). Se

han identificado cuatro linajes de este virus que son los linajes de África occidental,

África oriental, central y sudafricana (ECSA), asiático (AL) y del océano Índico (IOL).1.

CHIKV es un arbovirus endémico circulante en 51 países de las Américas. Las mani
festaciones clínicas que se le atribuyen son; fiebre alta, erupción cutánea, mialgia y

episodios de artralgia, que en consecuencia provocan dolor crónico y discapacidad,

especialmente en articulaciones. La secuenciación del genoma completo del virus

del Chikungunya es esencial para comprender su biología, evolución y propagación,

y para desarrollar estrategias efectivas de prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento.

Esta información es fundamental para combatir la enfermedad y minimizar su im
pacto en la salud pública. Por esas razones se secuenció el genoma completo del vi
rus Chikungunya br33, identificada en la ciudad nororiental de Recife, en el estado

de Pernambuco, Brasil. El genoma tiene un tamaño de 11601 nucleótidos y fragmen
tos que codifican para dos poliproteínas.

Se realizó un análisis filogénico que indica que la reciente cepa brasileña del CHIKV

pertenece al linaje del este, centro y sur de África (ECSA). Dicha identificación filo
genética es importante porque este genotipo en particular ha sido asociado a ma
yor daño y severidad clínica.

Hasta 2016, el virus CHIKV estaba asociadas directamente a viajes y la transmisión

era limitada. Posteriormente se produjo el brote más grande en el estado asocia
do con la introducción de un nuevo linaje ECSA como el indetificado en este estu
dio. Es muy probable que se produzcan nuevos brotes de CHIKV en un futuro cer
cano debido a la abundancia de vectores competentes en brazil y a una población

susceptible, exponiendo a más de 11 millones de habitantes a un riesgo de infección

cada vez mayor.

Palabras clave:
Alfavirus emergentes, Fiebre Chikungunya, Genoma, Secuenciación
3Rafael G uillermo V illarreal-Julio & J o n n y A n d rés Yepes-Blandón
Vol 27 No. 2
e-789 julio - diciembre 2023.
DOI: 10.22579/20112629.789

O vírus Chikungunya (CHIKV) é um vírus de RNA de sentido positivo de cadeia sim
ples que pertence ao gênero Alphavirus da família Togaviridae. É transmitido prin
cipalmente por mosquitos Aedes aegypti e albopictus. Seu genoma codifica quatro

proteínas não estruturais (NSP 1-4) e três proteínas estruturais (C, E1 e E2). Quatro

linhagens desse vírus foram identificadas, a saber: as linhagens da África Ocidental,

da África Oriental, da África Central e Sul (ECSA), Asiática (AL) e do Oceano Índico

(IOL). O CHIKV é um arbovírus endêmico que circula em 51 países das Américas. As

manifestações clínicas atribuídas a ele incluem febre alta, erupção cutânea, mialgia

e episódios de artralgia, que, subsequentemente, levam a dores crônicas e incapa
cidade, especialmente nas articulações. A sequenciação completa do genoma do

vírus Chikungunya é essencial para compreender sua biologia, evolução e propa
gação, além de desenvolver estratégias eficazes de prevenção, diagnóstico e tra
tamento. Essas informações são cruciais para combater a doença e minimizar seu

impacto na saúde pública. Por essas razões, o genoma completo da cepa do vírus

Chikungunya br33, identificada na cidade nordestina de Recife, no estado de Per
nambuco, Brasil, foi sequenciado. O genoma tem um tamanho de 11.601 nucleotídeos

e contém regiões de codificação para duas poliproteínas. Uma análise filogenética

indica que a recente cepa brasileira do CHIKV pertence à linhagem da África Orien
tal, Central e Sul (ECSA). Essa identificação filogenética é importante porque esse

genótipo em particular tem sido associado a maiores danos e gravidade clínica. Até

2016, o vírus CHIKV estava diretamente associado a viagens, e sua transmissão era

limitada. Posteriormente, ocorreu o maior surto no estado associado à introdução

de uma nova linhagem ECSA, como identificada neste estudo. É altamente provável

que novos surtos de CHIKV ocorram em um futuro próximo devido à abundância de

vetores competentes no Brasil e a uma população suscetível, expondo mais de 11

milhões de habitantes a um risco crescente de infecção.

Palavras chave:
Vírus alfa emergentes, febre de Chikungunya, genoma,


Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an alphavirus that

produces a reemerging infection transmitted to

humans by the mosquito vectors
Aedes aegypti
Ae. Albopictus (Carrillo et al., 2023; Nunes et
al., 2015)
an outbreak of Chikungunya virus (CHIKV.
CHIKV infection is a significant public health issue

in tropical and subtropical regions. An infection by

CHIKV is characterized by an acute fever, rash, and

arthralgia, most commonly known as joint pain,

often accompanied by headache, swelling of the

joints, and conjunctivitis (Hakim & Aman, 2022;

Nunes et al., 2015).

As far as we know, three different CHIKV phyloge
netic groups with differing antigenic properties

have been identified: the East, Central, and South

African (ECSA) genotypes. The first cases of au
tochthonous CHIKV in Brazil were confirmed in the

city of Oiapoque, in the state of Amapá, back in

September 2014 Where two genotypes of CHIKV

were identified, ECSA and Asian (Alguridi et al.,

2023; Nunes et al., 2015; Volk et al., 2010)

In this document, we present the complete ge
nomic sequence of the BR33 genotype ECSA iso
lated on March 3, 2016, from a pregnant patient in

Brazil, in the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco
initially suspected of being infected with the Zika
Caracterización genética del genoma completo de una cepa del virus Chikungunya circulante en Brasil4 Vol 27 No. 2 - e-789 julio diciembre 2023.
DOI: 10.22579/20112629.789
virus. The patient was initially diagnosed with

CHIKV through PCR via reverse transcription (RT-

PCR), amplifying a section of the gene E1 designed

and standardized by the Gehrke Laboratory at the

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).


The CHIKV strain was propagated in Vero-E6 cells

(Vero) that were maintained in minimal essential

medium (MEM) (Sigma), supplemented with 5%

to 10% fetal bovine serum and antibiotics at 37° in

5% CO2. C6/36 cells were maintained in Leibovitz’s

L-15 medium (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, California, USA)

supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, antibi
otics, and 1% TPB (Sigma, St. Louis, Missouri, USA)

at 32°C. collected 7 days after infection or after

displaying cytopathogenic effect (Ang et al., 2016;

Miller et al., 2018). All experiments were carried out

in a biosafety level 3 laboratory. RNA extraction was

performed using QIAamp Viral RNA mini kit from

Qiagen, following instructional directions. Novo

sequencing of the entire genome was performed

in an Illumina HiSeq 2500 system (Conteville et

al., 2016; Xf et al., 2023) using the Trinity RNA seq

assembly method (Haas et al., 2013; Hartline et al.,

2023), and version r2013-02-25. Sequencing and

assembly were undertaken at the Massachusetts

Institute of Technology (MIT) facilities.

Characterization was performed using the ViPR da
tabase ( The function was gener-
ated by the InterPro program (
). Phylogenetic anal-
ysis was carried out using the software Molecular

Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) version 7.0

(7-17) with the neighbor-joining tree method.


The complete genome sequence was called Chi
kungunya virus isolate BR33, and it was submitted

to the NCBI GenBank, with the accession number:


The genome has a size of 11 601 nucleotides, and

two open reading frames that encode for two poly
protein precursors evidenced, these are the struc
tural and non-structural polyprotein of Chikungun
ya. The first is a nonstructural polyprotein ranging

from nucleotide position 80 to 7504. The product

is called CHIKVgp1, and its ID is ANK58564.1 (Fig

1). The second structural polyprotein ranges from

nucleotide position 7570 to 11 316, the product is

called CHIKVgp2, and its ID is ANK58565.1 (Table

1). Functional and structural characteristics are

described in detail (Fig 1-4). In addition, the phylo
genetic classification of Chikungunya virus isolate

BR33 was performed (Fig 5).

Table 1.
Physical and functional characteristics of anno-
tation and search of CHIKV BR33.


General Info

Genome ID
Genome Name
Chikungunya virus BR33
Taxonomy Info

Taxon ID
Chikungunya virus

Genome Status
Type Info

Database Cross Reference

Completion Date
Genbank Accessions
Sequence Info

Sequencing Platform
Assembly Method
trinityrnaseq v.

Genome Statistics

Genome Length
GC Content
Contig L50
Contig N50
Rafael Guillermo Villarreal-Julio & Jonny Andrés Yepes-Blandón5
Vol 27 No. 2
e-789 julio - diciembre 2023.
DOI: 10.22579/20112629.789
Annotation Statistics

CDS Ratio
Genome Quality

None available

Isolate Info

Collection Date
Collection Year
Isolation Country
Geographic Group
South America
Geographic Location
Brazil: Pernambuco
Host Info

Host Name
Homo sapiens
Host Common Name
Host Group



Region in


Name Organism
KX228391.1 ANK58564.1 CHIKVgp1 Chikungun-
ya virus
80-7504 (+)
KY704954.1 ASM47579.1


ya virus
75-7499 (+)
MH000700.1 QBM78314.1 nonstructur-
al protein

ya virus
57-7481 (+)
MH000703.1 QBM78318.1 nonstructur-
al protein

ya virus
80-7504 (+)
MH000704.1 QBM78320.1 nonstructur-
al protein

ya virus
80-7504 (+)
MH000705.1 QBM78322.1 nonstructur-
al protein

ya virus
80-7504 (+)
MH000706.1 QBM78324.1 nonstructur-
al protein

ya virus
19-7443 (+)
Figure 1.

Structural (a) and Genetic characteristics (b,c) of CHIKV BR33. Organization of the CHIKV Genome and Gene Products: The genomic organization

of the chikungunya virus (CHIKV) resembles that of other alphaviruses. It consists of two open reading frames (ORFs), both flanked by 5’ cap

structures and a 3’ poly(A) tail. The regions proximal to the 5’ and 3’ ends of the CHIKV genome contain nontranslated regions (NTR), with the

junction region (J) also being noncoding.

The 5’ ORF is translated directly from the genomic RNA and encodes four nonstructural proteins (nsP1, nsP2, nsP3, and nsP4). In contrast, the

3’ ORF is translated from a subgenomic 26S RNA and codes for several structural proteins, including the capsid protein (C), two surface enve
lope glycoproteins (E1 and E2), and two small peptides known as E3 and 6k. These non-structural and structural proteins, namely nsP1 to nsP4,

and C, E1, E2, E3, and 6k, are produced through proteolytic cleavage of polyprotein precursors. This genomic organization and the subsequent

protein synthesis are fundamental aspects of the CHIKV life cycle and play a crucial role in its pathogenicity and interactions with the host.
Caracterización genética del genoma completo de una cepa del virus Chikungunya circulante en Brasil6 Vol 27 No. 2 - e-789 julio diciembre 2023.
DOI: 10.22579/20112629.789
Figure 2.

GO term prediction
Biological Process
Molecular Function
Cellular Component
transcription, DNA-templated
RNA processing
RNA binding
RNA-directed 5`-3`RNA polymerase activity
ATP binding
mRNA methyltransferase activity
None predicted
viral RNA genome replication
mRNA methylation
GO: 0006351
GO: 0006396
GO: 0039694
GO: 0080009
GO: 0003723
GO: 0003968
GO: 0005524
GO: 0008174

Gene Ontology Classification of protein CHIKgp1, divided into functional biological, molecular, and cellular components. Gene Ontology (GO):

Gene Ontology (GO) stands as a cornerstone in the realm of biological information by offering precise definitions of protein functions. GO is

an organized and regulated lexicon consisting of terms known as GO terms. It’s categorized into three distinct and non-overlapping ontologies:

Molecular Function (MF), Biological Process (BP), and Cellular Component (CC). The structure of GO is represented as a Directed Acyclic Graph

(DAG), where terms take the form of nodes, and relationships among terms form the edges. This framework offers greater flexibility than a tra
ditional hierarchy, as each term can have multiple connections to broader parent terms as well as more specific child terms (du Plessis et al.,

2011). Genes or proteins become associated with GO terms through an annotation process, which serves as a linkage. Each GO annotation has an

attributed source and database entry. These sources can range from literature references to database references and computational evidence.

Every biological molecule is linked to the most specific set of terms that accurately depict its functional attributes. Consequently, if a biological

molecule is associated with a particular term, it will be inherently connected to all the parent terms within that term’s hierarchical structure (du

Plessis et al., 2011). This comprehensive system enables the precise classification of biological functions and greatly aids in the understanding

of gene and protein functionality.
Rafael Guillermo Villarreal-Julio & Jonny Andrés Yepes-Blandón7
Vol 27 No. 2
e-789 julio - diciembre 2023.
DOI: 10.22579/20112629.789
Figure 3.

Genomic Annotation*


CDS Length (nt) Protein Lenght (aa) Codon Start View Sequence and Design Primers Source
7570 11316 3747 11248 1 CDS | Protein GenBank
Isoelectric Point/Molecular Weight (
Isoelectric pt
Molecular Weught Evidence Code
138351.1 RCA
Other Domains/Motifs (
Start End Program
733 755 tmhmm
690 7112 tmhmm
794 816 tmhmm
780 791 seg
1223 1245 tmhmm
765 7787 tmhmm
57 99 seg
20 44 seg
693 707 seg
1224 1241 seg
Functional features of annotating and searching for domains of the CHIKgp2 protein. Sequence annotations provide detailed information about

specific regions or features within a protein sequence. These annotations encompass a wide range of elements, including post-translational

modifications, binding sites, enzyme active sites, local secondary structures, and other characteristics that are either reported in the cited refe
rences or predicted. Additionally, any discrepancies or conflicts in the sequence information between different references are also documented

in this manner.
Caracterización genética del genoma completo de una cepa del virus Chikungunya circulante en Brasil8 Vol 27 No. 2 - e-789 julio diciembre 2023.
DOI: 10.22579/20112629.789
Figure 4.

GO term prediction
Biological Process
Molecular Function
Cellular Component
serine-type endopeptidase activity
structural molecule activity
protein dimerization activity
GO: 0006508
GO: 0004252
GO: 0005198
GO: 0046983
viral capsid
virion membrane
GO: 0019028
GO: 0055036

GO ID Annotation Source Evidence
Biological Process

virion attachment to host cell surface receptor
GO: 0019062 UniProtKB - N/A -
Molecular Function

serine - type endopeptidase activity
GO: 0004252 UniProtKB IEA
structural molecule activity
GO: 0005198 UniProtKB IEA
Cellular Component

host cell membrane
GO: 0033644 UniProtKB IEA .Interpro
integral to membrane
GO: 0016021 UniProtKB IEA
viral capsid
GO: 0019028 UniProtKB IEA
virion membrane
GO: 0055036 UniProtKB IEA .UniProtKB - SubCell
Gene Ontology Classification of protein CHIKgp2, divided into functional biological, molecular, and cellular components.
Rafael Guillermo Villarreal-Julio & Jonny Andrés Yepes-Blandón9
Vol 27 No. 2
e-789 julio - diciembre 2023.
DOI: 10.22579/20112629.789
Figure 5.

Phylogenetic Analysis Details (Serotype). Bayesian filament of CHIKV BR33 including the three genotypes: West African (WA), East-Central-

South Africa (ECSA) and South East (SE) Asian. The red box shows CHIKV BR33.

Results showed that the isolated CHIKV BR33

strain belongs to the genotype ECSA (Fig 5). A que
ry search using the nucleotide search tool, BLASTn

( Huh, J. E. et al 2021), revealed that the strain an
alyzed is closely related to the CHIKV virus strain

BHI3734/H804698, with the GenBank accession

number: KP164568.1 it was isolated in Brazil from a

patient from Feira de Santana-BA and was submit
ted to the NCBI by the Center for Technological In
novation, Evandro Chagas Institute. It has a size of

11812 base pairs and phylogenetically belongs to

the ECSA genotype. Other strains isolated by the

same research group in 2015, in Feira de Santana,

a municipality in the state of Bahia, also located

in the northeastern region of Brazil (Nunes et al.,

2015), showed a 99% similarity regarding nucleo
tide identity.


The detection of this CHIKV strain serves as com
pelling evidence of its current circulation within

Brazil, giving rise to significant implications for

both virus dissemination and public health. Key
Caracterización genética del genoma completo de una cepa del virus Chikungunya circulante en Brasil10 Vol 27 No. 2 - e-789 julio diciembre 2023.
DOI: 10.22579/20112629.789
considerations involve the transmission dynam
ics: Chikungunya, primarily transmitted by Aedes

aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, is fa
cilitated by the prevalence of these vectors in

Brazil and other tropical and subtropical regions.

The introduction of an African strain augments

the virus’s genetic diversity, potentially affecting

its capacity to infect and spread among humans.

This diverse genetic landscape poses a challenge

in managing the virus, as infected individuals be
come reservoirs for mosquito-borne transmis
sion, elevating the risk of localized outbreaks, par
ticularly in densely populated urban areas (Hakim

& Aman, 2022; Nunes et al., 2015).. The genetic

diversity also influences immune responses and

vaccine efficacy, with varying susceptibility and

disease severity among individuals. Moreover, dif
ferent strains may exhibit differential responses

to existing treatments, complicating the devel
opment of effective therapies. In terms of public

health, the presence of an African Chikungunya

strain underscores the critical need for vector con
trol measures, encompassing mosquito breeding

site elimination and public education on mosquito

bite prevention. These measures are paramount

in curtailing virus spread and averting potential

outbreaks. Vigilant epidemiological surveillance

is essential, especially in areas where the African

strain is prevalent, enabling early and effective

responses to contain virus transmission. In sum
mary, the introduction of an African Chikungun
ya strain in Brazil presents additional challenges

to public health and disease control. Addressing

virus spread and genetic diversity necessitates

a coordinated response at local, national, and in
ternational levels, emphasizing continual monitor
ing, research, and collaborative efforts to tackle

this global health concern (Hakim & Aman, 2022;

Nunes et al., 2015)..

The detection of this specific Chikungunya strain

in Brazil warrants a deeper exploration of its clin
ical implications, particularly regarding its viru
lence and its association with the severity of the

disease. Understanding the virulence of this strain

is crucial, as it can significantly impact the clinical

outcomes in infected individuals. Virulence refers

to the ability of the virus to cause disease and the

severity of that disease. Investigating whether

this strain exhibits enhanced virulence compared

to other Chikungunya strains is essential for pre
dicting the potential impact on public health. Fur
thermore, assessing the relationship between this

strain and the severity of the disease is pivotal.

Some Chikungunya strains have been associated

with more severe clinical manifestations, such as a

higher incidence of severe joint pain, arthritis, and

neurological complications. If this African strain

shows a stronger correlation with severe disease,

it could have important implications for health
care systems and clinical management strategies

in regions affected by the virus. In addition, the

genetic diversity of the virus could potentially

influence the effectiveness of diagnostic tests,

treatment approaches, and vaccine development.

A comprehensive study of the specific genetic

characteristics of this strain is warranted to eval
uate these aspects thoroughly. By delving deeper

into the clinical implications, we can gain valuable

insights into the potential impact of this African

Chikungunya strain on the health of affected pop
ulations and, consequently, inform more targeted

and effective public health interventions and clin
ical management strategies (Lima-Camara, 2016;

Zerfu et al., 2023).

No vaccines are currently available for use as a

prophylactic method, and no effective antiviral

drugs are available for the treatment of a CHIKV

infection. Thus, evidence such as the presented in

this document is crucial for the continuous alert

and vigilance of national and international disease

control agencies, for the prevention of new cases

that could collapse the health services during si
multaneous explosive epidemics circulating in the

country (Lima-Camara, 2016; Zerfu et al., 2023). It

is important to identify phylogenetically the circu
lating genotype in Brazil’s outbreak, because the

presence of particular genotypes has been asso
ciated with more dangerous and severe clinical

manifestations, mortality, high pathogenicity, and

even an increase of mosquito infectivity, followed
Rafael Guillermo Villarreal-Julio & Jonny Andrés Yepes-Blandón11
Vol 27 No. 2
e-789 julio - diciembre 2023.
DOI: 10.22579/20112629.789
by Asian strains (Hakim & Aman, 2022; Kumar et al.,

2014; Spicher et al., 2021).

The present study helps to better understand the

pathophysiology and molecular aspects of the dis
ease by achieving a complete genetic and functional

description of the virus and its structural proteins.


As far as we know, this is the first report of a com
plete genome of CHIKV, isolated in Brazil, in 2016.

The sequence described, the additional phyloge
netic analyzes of these genomes, and the other

sequences will be detailed in future publications.

Sequencing the complete genome of the Chikun
gunya virus is of paramount importance for sev
eral reasons. Firstly, it allows the identification of

different strains and mutations of the virus. This

is crucial for comprehending the genetic diversity

of the virus and its capacity for evolution, enabling

effective surveillance of mutations, which is vital

for predicting the virus’s spread and developing

more effective prevention and treatment strate
gies. Furthermore, genomic sequencing facilitates

diagnosis and the development of specific tests.

These tests play a fundamental role in detecting

the presence of the virus in infected patients, en
abling swift and precise decision-making regard
ing control measures. Additionally, this genomic

information is essential in designing vaccines

against Chikungunya. A detailed understanding of

the viral genome allows the creation of vaccines

capable of eliciting effective and specific immune

responses against the virus. Genomic sequencing

also provides valuable insights into epidemiolog
ical studies and understanding the virus’s spread

in different regions, which is essential for the im
plementation of control and prevention measures,

especially in areas where the virus is endemic.

Knowledge of the Chikungunya virus’s genetics is

crucial in the development of effective antiviral

treatments. These medications can target specific

components of the viral genome to inhibit its rep
lication. Finally, genomic sequencing allows us to

monitor the potential emergence of resistance to

antiviral medications used in Chikungunya treat
ment, which is essential for adjusting treatments

and ensuring their efficacy over time. In summa
ry, sequencing the Chikungunya virus genome is a

critical component in the fight against this disease

and in safeguarding public health.


The authors particularly acknowledge to Dr. Irene

Bosch at the Columbia Mailman School of Pub
lic Health, New York, NY, USA and Dr. Lee Gehrke,

director of Gehrke Laboratory at Harvard Med
ical School (HMS), Boston, Massachusetts, USA

and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),

Cambridge, MA, USA for the academic formation,

methodological advice and equipment loan for the

realization of this research.


The authors declare they have no conflict of



RVJ and JYB designed the study; collected and pre
pared the materials; performed the experiments;

performed data analyses; drafted and wrote the

manuscript. All authors read, edited, and approved

the final draft.


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