Placentitis bacteriana como causa de aborto en yeguas: reporte de caso

Placentitis Bacterial as a cause of abortion in mares: Case Report

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Jennyfer Ruiz-Jiménez
José A. Espinosa-Salazar
Andrés F. Valencia-Hernández
Dumar A. Jaramillo-Hernández


La placentitis en yeguas ocasionada por bacterias es una de las causas más importantes de abortos, en Colombia no existe evidencia escrita de su presentación. En el presente artículo se reporta el caso de una yegua Silla Francesa de 10 años de edad, que abortó a los 9 meses de gestación y fue atendida en la Clínica Veterinaria San Jorge - Escuela de Equitación Ejército Nacional en Bogotá. La paciente presentó signos de lactancia prematura y se observó engrosamiento de la placenta, además en los hallazgos histopatológicos predominan cambios vasculares (congestión, edema y fibrina) lo que indica una placentitis aguda. En la tinción de Gram de la placenta se encontraron cocobacilos gram negativos adheridos a la superficie de las células de las vellosidades corioalantóicas y entremezclados con el material proteináceo, aparentemente algunos se ubican intracelularmente; asociando estos fenómenos a un proceso infeccioso por posibles enterobacterias (E.coli o Salmonella spp).


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Bailey C, Macpherson M, Pozor M, Troedsson M, Benson S, Giguere S, et al. Treatment efficacy of trimethoprim sulphametoxazole, pentoxifilyne and altrenogest in experimentally induced equine placentitis. Theriogenology. 2010;74:402-412.

Benirschke K. Fetal consequences of amniotic fluid meconium. Contemporary Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2001;46:76-83.

Brinsko S. How to perform uterine lavage: Indications and practical techniques. Proc Am Assoc Equine Pract. 2001;47:407-411.

Bucca S, Fogarty U, Collins A, Small V. Assessment of feto-placental well-being in the mare from mid-gestation to term: transrectal and transabdominal ultrasonographic features. Theriogenology. 2005;64:542-557.

Campos I, de Souza G, Pinna A, Ferreira A. Transrectal ultrasonography for measuring of combined uteroplacental thickness in pregnant Mangalarga Marchador mares. Theriogenology. 2017;96:142-144.

Canisso I, Ball B, Erol E, Squires E, Troedsson M. Comprehensive review on equine placentitis. Proc Am Assoc Equine Pract. 2015;61:490-509.

Canisso I, Rodriguez J, Sanz M, Coutinho da Silva M. A clinical approach to the diagnosis and treatment of retained fetal membranes with an emphasis placed on the critically III mare. J Equine Vet Sci. 2013;33:570-579.

Carleton C. 2011. Equine theriogenology. Michigan:Wiley-Blackwell. Pp.426-432.

Christiansen D, Moultona K, Hopper R, Walters F, Cooleya A, LeBlanc M. et al. Evidenced-based medicine approach to develop efficacious therapies for late-gestation mares presenting with uterine infections using an experimentally-induced placentitis model. Anim Reprod Sci. 2010;121:S345-S346.

Colón J. 2009. Apariencia en la ecografía transrectal del engrosamiento combinado útero-placentario anormal en el último período de la gestación La especie Equina N°28. 20-32.

Córdoba A. 2006. Factores relacionados con el aborto en yeguas. Revista Electrónica de Veterinaria REDVET. redvet/n010106.html

Cudmore L, Muurlink T, Whittem T, Bailey S. Effects of oral clenbuterol on the clinical and inflammatory response to endotoxaemia in the horse. Res Vet Sci. 2013;94:682-686.

Curcio B, Canisso I, Pazinato F, Borba L. et al. Estradiol cypionate aided treatment for experimentally induced ascending placentitis in mares. Theriogenology. 2017;102:98-107.

Hafez E, Hafez B. 2002. Caballos. Capítulo 14. Reproducción e inseminación artificial en animales. McGraw-Hill Interamericana. 7ª edición. México. 199–216.

Hong C, Donahue R, Giles Jr M, Petrites-Murphy M, Poonacha K, Roberts A, et al. Etiology and pathology of equine placentitis. J Vet Diagn Inv. 1993;5:56-63.

LeBlanc M. 2004. Ascending placentitis in the mare: what we learned from an experimental model. In: Procceding of the 10 Congresso Nazionala Multisala SIVE Perugia.Ithaca: International Veterinary Information Service.

LeBlanc M, Giguere S, Lester G, Bauer K, Paccamonti L. Relationship between infection, inflammation and premature parturition in mares with experimentally induced placentitis. Equine Vet J Suppl. 2012;41:8-14.

LeBlanc M, Macpherson M, Sheerin P. 2004. Ascending placentitis: What we know about pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. In: Proceedings of the 50th Annual Convention of the American Association of Equine Practitioners. Denver, Colorado. Ithaca: International Veterinary Information Service.

LeBlanc M. Ascending placentitis in the mare: an update. Reprod Dom Anim. 2010;45:28-34.

LeBlanc M. Common peripartum problems in the mare. J Equine Vet Sci. 2008;28:709-715.

Lopate C, Leblanc M, Pascoe R, Knottenbelt D. 2003. Parturition. In: Knottenbelt, D; LeBlanc, M; Lopate, C; Pascoe, R; editors. Equine stud farm medicine and surgery. Edinburgh: Saunders. Pp. 269-324.

Lyle S. Immunology of infective preterm delivery in the mare. Equine Vet J 2014;46:661-668.

Macpherson M, Bailey C. A clinical approach to managing the mare with placentitis. Theriogenology. 2008;70:435-440.

Munroe G, Weese J. 2011. Equine Clinical Medicine, Surgery, and reproduction. Barcelona: Manson. 272.

Ousey J, Houghton E, Grainger L, Rossdale P, Fowden A. Progestagen profiles during the last trimester of gestation in thoroughbred mares with normal or compromised pregnancies. Theriogenology. 2005;63:1844-1856.

Ousey J, Kolling M, Allen W. The effecs of maternal dexamethasone treatment on gestation length and foal maturation in Thoroughbred mares. Anim Reprod Sci. 2006;94:436-438.

Pycock J. 2009. Complicaciones de la gestación avanzada en la yegua. Congreso Argentino de Reproducción Equina, 18-21 de marzo de 37-42.

Rapacz A, Pazdizior K, Ras A, Rotkiewicz T, Janowski T. Retained fetal membrane in heavy draft mares associated with histological abnormalities. J Equine Vet Sci. 2012;32:38-44.

Rebello S, Macpherson M, Murchie T, LeBlanc M, Vickroy T. Placental transfer of trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and pentoxifylline in pony mares. Anim Reprod Sci. 2006;94:432-433.

Reed S, Baylv W, Sellon D. 2005. Medicina Interna Equina. Parte II. Editorial Intermédica. Segunda Edición. 1204-1205.

Renaudin C, Liu I, Troedsson M. Transrectal ultrasonographic diagnosis of ascending placentitis in the mare: a report of two cases. Equine Vet Educ. 1999;11(2):69-74.Bailey C, Macpherson M, Pozor M, Troedsson M, Benson S, Giguere S, et al. Treatment efficacy of trimethoprim sulphametoxazole, pentoxifilyne and altrenogest in experimentally induced equine placentitis. Theriogenology. 2010;74:402-412.

Benirschke K. Fetal consequences of amniotic fluid meconium. Contemporary Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2001;46:76-83.

Brinsko S. How to perform uterine lavage: Indications and practical techniques. Proc Am Assoc Equine Pract. 2001;47:407-411.

Bucca S, Fogarty U, Collins A, Small V. Assessment of feto-placental well-being in the mare from mid-gestation to term: transrectal and transabdominal ultrasonographic features. Theriogenology. 2005;64:542-557.

Campos I, de Souza G, Pinna A, Ferreira A. Transrectal ultrasonography for measuring of combined uteroplacental thickness in pregnant Mangalarga Marchador mares. Theriogenology. 2017;96:142-144.

Canisso I, Ball B, Erol E, Squires E, Troedsson M. Comprehensive review on equine placentitis. Proc Am Assoc Equine Pract. 2015;61:490-509.

Canisso I, Rodriguez J, Sanz M, Coutinho da Silva M. A clinical approach to the diagnosis and treatment of retained fetal membranes with an emphasis placed on the critically III mare. J Equine Vet Sci. 2013;33:570-579.

Carleton C. 2011. Equine theriogenology. Michigan:Wiley-Blackwell. Pp.426-432.

Christiansen D, Moultona K, Hopper R, Walters F, Cooleya A, LeBlanc M. et al. Evidenced-based medicine approach to develop efficacious therapies for late-gestation mares presenting with uterine infections using an experimentally-induced placentitis model. Anim Reprod Sci. 2010;121:S345-S346.

Colón J. 2009. Apariencia en la ecografía transrectal del engrosamiento combinado útero-placentario anormal en el último período de la gestación La especie Equina N°28. 20-32.

Córdoba A. 2006. Factores relacionados con el aborto en yeguas. Revista Electrónica de Veterinaria REDVET. redvet/n010106.html

Cudmore L, Muurlink T, Whittem T, Bailey S. Effects of oral clenbuterol on the clinical and inflammatory response to endotoxaemia in the horse. Res Vet Sci. 2013;94:682-686.

Curcio B, Canisso I, Pazinato F, Borba L. et al. Estradiol cypionate aided treatment for experimentally induced ascending placentitis in mares. Theriogenology. 2017;102:98-107.

Hafez E, Hafez B. 2002. Caballos. Capítulo 14. Reproducción e inseminación artificial en animales. McGraw-Hill Interamericana. 7ª edición. México. 199–216.

Hong C, Donahue R, Giles Jr M, Petrites-Murphy M, Poonacha K, Roberts A, et al. Etiology and pathology of equine placentitis. J Vet Diagn Inv. 1993;5:56-63.

LeBlanc M. 2004. Ascending placentitis in the mare: what we learned from an experimental model. In: Procceding of the 10 Congresso Nazionala Multisala SIVE Perugia.Ithaca: International Veterinary Information Service.

LeBlanc M, Giguere S, Lester G, Bauer K, Paccamonti L. Relationship between infection, inflammation and premature parturition in mares with experimentally induced placentitis. Equine Vet J Suppl. 2012;41:8-14.

LeBlanc M, Macpherson M, Sheerin P. 2004. Ascending placentitis: What we know about pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. In: Proceedings of the 50th Annual Convention of the American Association of Equine Practitioners. Denver, Colorado. Ithaca: International Veterinary Information Service.

LeBlanc M. Ascending placentitis in the mare: an update. Reprod Dom Anim. 2010;45:28-34.

LeBlanc M. Common peripartum problems in the mare. J Equine Vet Sci. 2008;28:709-715.

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